Shuttershy Archive In Progress

January 4, 2025 in Site Updates

If you've attempted to visit this site since about 2017, you probably noticed that it only loaded a placeholder page for the hosting provider, Lupinia Studios. This is because, in 2017, my long-running colo server crashed unexpectedly, and while I was already in the process of replacing it at the time, this site proved to be quite difficult to migrate due to its reliance on Wordpress, so it was the last to leave the old server, and was still hosted there when the system finally refused to boot up anymore.

Nothing has been lost, though! I was able to perform data recovery on the server's hard drive, and the slow process of moving the last of what was hosted there has been an ongoing side-project ever since. However, all of this coincided with a great deal of personal turmoil and instability, including long-term unemployment and literally losing my home at one point, so I never had the time or emotional bandwidth to really focus on that project.

Thankfully, as of writing this in 2024/2025, things are stabilizing a bit for me, and I'm able to work on projects like this again. But it seems life is never without tragedy, because 2024 came with the loss of Porsupah, a dear friend and one of the people most responsible for inspiring me personally and driving the Shuttershy community for so many years. A loss I'm still struggling to process, personally, and which has brought fresh perspective to a lot of my priorities.

So, I sincerely apologize for how long has been offline, but I've started working on bringing it back in some capacity. I don't know how long that will take, but I'll do my best.

This archival restoration is dedicated in loving memory to Porsupah, may she rest in peace. And in her honor, I leave you with her final post to the Shuttershy Flickr group, one of her many adorable bunny photos, while I put the rest of this back together.

Two rabbits in a grassy field, one of whom is mid-jump and appears to be sitting while in mid-air

And a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to this community over the years.